Insert Layouts Are Enlarged They Are Not of Actual Size

Insert layout for series 1 and 2

          SIZE Conversion---  8=9    10=11    12=13   14=15    16=17     18=19      20=21     22=23      24=25

9-3 9-98 9-44 9-6


11-4 11-5

11-98 11-99 11-13 11-35 11-2 13-4 13-8
13-98 13-22 13-35 15-5 15-15 15-18 15-19
15-37 15-97 15-35 17-6 17-8 17-11 17-99
17-26 17-2 17-35 17-55 19-11 19-28 19-30
19-32 19-67 19-35 19-66 19-45 19-18 21-11

21-16 21-24 21-25 21-27 21-41 21-39 21-1

21-35 21-75 23-1 23-35 23-2 23-21 23-32
23-34 23-36 23-53 23-97 23-99 23-55 25-1

25-35 25-2 25-29 25-61 25-4 25-43 25-46

25-19 25-24 25-11 25-20 25-7 25-8 25-90
25-37 25-90